LEGO Dimensions Wiki

The Teen Titans

The Teen Titans

The Teen Titans are probably the best superhero team in the game.

With the release of wave 9, the last wave of LEGO Dimensions, the amount of content released is pretty good to end the game on.

The part that really got me hyped for wave 9 was the Titans. Let's face it. The Titans are the best superhero team in the game!

First of all you get the complete team, unlike the Justice League or the LEGO Batman Movie Squad, which is good on it's own so you can go on adventures throughout the multiverse as all the Titans.

Secondly, my favourite part about them, they all interact with eah other! Unlike those one-liners many characters have, the Titans get a full scripted conversation from start to finish!

Thirdly, they don't overshadow each other in abilities too much. Unlike other teams like the Powerpuff Girls or Legends of Chima Gang, the Titans share some minor abilities, but shine in their own unique way! If you haven't already pick up the latest wave 9 packs for LEGO Dimensions today!
